It was no question at all that I had to read this one. The first book The Raven Boys was, even though it was a completely new writing style for me, a wonderful experience. And the second book was no exception. If I had to put it into one single word it would be: fantastic! Not only the cover looks great it also shows Ronan, which looks so great in my eyes, and who is – besides Adam – such an unbelievable fascinating character. Sometimes it has to be the right time for a reader to find pleasure in reading a book. For me, when it comes to The Raven Cycle, this time is obviously now.
The Dream Thieves
by Maggie StiefvaterThe Raven Cycle #2
Publisher Scholastic Press on September 17, 2013
Genre Mystery
Pages 416
Format Hardcover
Source Library
If you could steal things from dream, what would you take? Ronan Lynch has secrets. Some he keeps from others. Some he keeps from himself. One secret: Ronan can bring things out of his dreams. And sometimes he´s not the only one who wants those things. Ronan is one of the raven boys -a group of friends, practically brothers, searching for a dead king named Glendower, who the think is hidden somewhere in the hills by their elite private school, Aglionby Academy. The path to Glendower has long lived as an undercurrent beneath town. But now, like Ronan´s secrets it is beginning to rise to the surface - changing everything in its wake.
Gansey is still searching for the lost king. But since Adam awoke the Ley-Line to her original power without asking him first their relationship isn´t the best. And the fact that Blue stands between them things doesn´t make things easier. But Ronan tops them all. His nightmares are worse than ever, he isn´t sleeping anymore and when he finds out the truth about his mother and why his father´s last will is written the way it is, he is in rage and does everything to come to terms with his secret. A secret, he can´t any longer hide from others and he doesn´t want to.
Maggie Stiefvater throws the fascinated reader into a story where the Ley-Lines and Gansey´s search for the lost king builds the wonderful frame for the growing love between him and Blue. Okay, I admit, I had a bit of a bumpy start over the first few pages. But that was me, not because of the writing style the author has or the story itself. For some reason, I had indeed the strange feeling that I hadn´t read the first one at all, and with that, I mean understanding the plot, seen the scenes before my inner eye – so many questions marks popped up in my mind. But the more I read, the better it got.
The Dream Thieves is written in the third person perspective mainly from Ronan, but from others from time to time too. The dark side of Ronan is shown in a very impressive way and together with the unique writing style Maggie Stiefvater has, this second book becomes one hell of a story. The author uses words like a weapon and she never misses her target. Not in a dangerous way, no, every word is to the point and in combination with the fine sarcasm, the irony that shows through the sentences, the reader can´t but feel haunted and thrilled. Great dialogues, fantastic scenes, and a very special atmosphere make this novel for every mystery fan the perfect one. And the scene close to the end, where they attend the 4th of July party one of the characters is hosting, is quite something.
Figures with a lot of pain, rage, desperation, and endless patience and peace give The Dream Thieves the special something. They're profound, very compelling, and seem to be like you and me – like out of real life.
Adam wants to leave his past behind him, to become someone – but not at any price. When he awakes the Ley-Line and makes a deal with Cabeswater, he starts to change. It takes him a while to understand what´s happening and when he finally knows it, he decides to do things his way. And exactly that is it, that makes him one incredible young man. He isn´t willing to let anyone else, but him, make the rules. He is in charge, no matter what. But despite that, he still believes that everyone sees from where he is, what evil heritage he carries inside him. The way how he overcomes that bit by bit is remarkable and perfectly set into words by the author.
Blue is still an important part of the group. Not that much around, as she used to be in the first one, no, but her impact on the others, her way of being is impressive and as strong as ever.
This novel became more and more haunting, thrilling and so wonderful entertaining – I am simply hooked. Now I can´t wait to read the next one.
Happy reading
Maggie Stiefvater
All of Maggie Stiefvater´s life decisions have been based around her inability to be gainfully emplyed. Talking to yourself, staring into space, and coming to work in your pajamas are frowned upon when you´re a waitress, calligraphy instructor, or technical editor (all of which she´s tried), but are highly prized traits in novelists and artists. She´s made her living in one or the other since she was twenty-two. She now lives an eccentric life in the middle of nowhere, Virginia with her charmingly straight-laced husband, two kids, two neurotic dogs, and a 1973 Camaro named Loki.
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