Woot woot! After all those months it is finally happening – Race the Darkness has hit the stores today, waiting for you to go and get it. Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, the debut novel by Abbie Roads, the book you´ve heard and read here on Inkvotary already so much about is now in stores.
And to be on the save, I have to mention that this post does not contain any affiliate links. I already wrote a Feature for the Trailer reveal of Race The Darkness though I haven´t read one single line yet, not even all those Excerpts Abbie has posted on social media! Yup, you read that right.
For whatever reason, that author caught me, not only by the cover I fell right away in love with, it is the way how she acts on Social media & the impression I got from her watching her countless videos. So, for all those passionate readers who happen to have no clue about what I am talking here. This is the book, that is now available.
Race The Darkness
Author Abbie RoadsFatal Dreams #1
Publisher Sourcebooks on October 4, 2016
Genre Dark Contemporary Romance
ISBN 978-1-4926-3917-6
Pages 352
Format Paperback
Cursed with a terrible gift …Criminal investigator Xander Stone doesn´t have to question you – he can hear your thoughts. Scarred by lightning, burdened with a power that gives him no peace, Xander struggles to maintain his sanity against the voice that haunts him day and night – the voice of a woman begging him to save her.A gift that threatens to engulf them …Isleen Walker has long since given up hope of escape from the nightmare of captivity and torture that is draining her life, her mind, and her soul. Except … there is the man in her feverish dreams, the strangely beautiful man who beckons her to freedom and wholeness. And when he comes, if he comes, it will take all their combined fury and faith to overcome a madman bent on fulfilling a deadly prophecy.
They weren’t going to make it.
Not unless he suddenly sprouted blue tights and a red cape. The hope of escape morphed into despair and resignation and finally reckless pissed-off-ness. No fucking way was he going to die running. He stopped, turned, and faced the truck barreling toward them. The tires ate up the ground at an indecent rate. He clutched Isleen tighter to his chest. For her sake, he wanted it to be a quick death. No more lingering. No more pain.
That thought infuriated him. None of this was right. They shouldn’t be on the verge of death. Again.
The truck kept coming—now twenty-five feet away.
Everything slowed, happening as if through the quicksand of time. A white dandelion floaty meandered on the breeze directly between them and the truck. His heart no longer ran a staccato rhythm. Duh…dum. Pause. Duh…dum. Pause.
His life didn’t flash before his eyes. The future did. Isleen’s future. In an ethereal dream beyond time, her skin was gilded by firelight, her eyes devoid of sadness and fear, her body whole and healthy. She smiled, an expression so full of warmth and tenderness and undiluted joy that it plunked itself down inside his heart and wouldn’t leave.
He ached to create that kind of smile on her face, but their lives were over. It all could’ve gone so differently if he’d only listened to her, believed in her, found her years before now.
The air changed, displaced by the truck only a few feet from them. Heat from the engine blasted his face, smelling of burning oil, gasoline, and a scent reminiscent of popped corn. He locked eyes with the bitch behind the wheel. Her pudgy lips ripped back over her teeth in a snarling scream.
Xander knew anger—his best friends were fury and rage—but the look on the bitch’s face went beyond mere anger all the way to unholy.
The truck imploded.
The sound was supersonic, a resonation that rippled through his skin and muscle to rattle his bones and shake the earth underneath his feet. Metal and glass and fire shot outward, skyward, backward, in a near-perfect arc of destruction. Flaming debris rained around them.
He stood there holding Isleen, watching it happen, not believing the message his eyes sent to his brain.
“What the…?” The last of the truck parts hit the ground. The pieces burned. That’s all that was left—pieces. Nothing touched them, like they resided under an invisible dome of protection.
He glanced down at Isleen for an answer, but she was unconscious, her head lolling so limply on her neck that it looked as if he was carrying a corpse.
Trailer Race The Darkness
I heard the rumor that not everyone has yet watched the fantastic Race The Darkness Trailer. Yup, hard to believe, but some of us haven´t. So in case you want, here is your chance.
Buy Your Copy
(NO affiliate links)
About Author
Seven Things about Abbie Roads:1. She loves Snicker Parfaits. Gotta start with what’s most important, right?2. She writes dark emotional books featuring damaged characters, but always gives her hero and heroine a happy ending… after torturing them for three hundred pages.3. By day she’s a mental health counselor known for her blunt, honest style of therapy. At night she burns up the keyboard. Well… Burn might be too strong a word. She at least sits with her hands poised over the keyboard, waiting for inspiration to strike. And when it does—the keyboard might get a little warm.4. She can’t stand it when people drive slowly in the passing lane. Just saying. That’s major annoying. Right?Facebook Twitter Instagram5. She loves taking pictures of things she thinks are pretty.
And last but not least there is a Race the Darkness giveaway. Please note, it is not sponsored, administered, or endorsed by Gone With The Books.
Till next time & happy reading
ReplyDeleteYou are just plain awesome! I do appreciate all your enthusiasm for Race the Darkness! I hope you love it!
Thanks so much for all your support!
Well, we´re about to find out *laugh* Enjoy your big day & thanks for stopping by.