This is a Friday meme now hosted by Patricia of FiktiveWelten. Every week she asks a question that you can answer. Everyone who would like to participate, just answer her question, link to her blog, and write a comment under her post to let the others know that you are participating. The entire rules you can find here.
This week the topic is all about December 6 - also called Nikolaus day. In some countries, people celebrate that day and children get told to clean and polish a boot, put it right outside the main door, and hope that Nikolaus is bringing them some sweet stuff or a little present. Nothing big or fancy, but enough to get the eyes of little children to glow.
Well, during my childhood I loved that tradition and when I moved to the US I continued doing it. I´ll never forget the happy faces when the kids saw a chocolate Nikolaus standing on their breakfast places. We didn´t do that with the polished boots because I wasn´t sure if the little goodies would stay in their boots since we had some wild animals in the wood that surrounded our house. But it was fun for me to do at least the chocolate part and I have only fond memories when I think about that time.
Back in Europe, I went back to the tradition of bringing my team colleagues a little Nikolaus and my bosses did the same, so you can imagine my pile of chocolate figures grew that day. Even when you went shopping it could and still can happen that you run into a Nikolaus who most of the time holds a huge bag filled with a lot of nice things and who is ringing a bell to make you aware of him.
But since my parents’ don´t eat chocolate anymore and because of some other reasons, buying the chocolate version doesn´t make sense anymore. So the one I buy is more for myself and stands on my desk at home – as a little reminder that we have December 6.
How is it about you?
Happy reading

Hi Vi
ReplyDeleteI love this tradition, no matter if it's about chocolate, oranges and nuts or a little present. And I think it's a nice gesture to buy a small Nikolaus by yourself just to remember the day and former times. :o)
Hugs and kisses
Awww you´re the best! :-)