I am running out of stars here! After I was so thrilled when I had finished the first book, I had to read the second one right away – and now I am out of words. Well, kind of. This was sooooooo amazing, so threatening and so touching – all at the same time. I can´t even remember when I read a series the last time in one single swoop within days. The first was an overnight read and the second one kind of too. The author has a way to grab my attention with her language, her style, and how she describes scenes and things – unbelievable!
by Jennifer L. ArmentroutLux Series #2
Publisher Entangled Teen on August 7, 2012
Genre Fantasy
Pages 448
Format Paperback
Source Library
Being connected to Daemon Black sucks ... Thanks to his alien mojo, Daemon´s determined to prove what he feels for me is more than a product of our bizarro connection. So I´ve sworn him off, even though he´s running more hot than cold these days. But we´ve got bigger problems. Something worse than the Arum has come to town … The Department of Defense are here. If they ever find out what Daemon can do and that we´re linked, I´m a goner. So is he. And there´s this new boy in school who´s got a secret of his own. He knows what happened to me and he can help, but to do so, I have to lie to Daemon and stay away from him. Like that´s possible. Against all common sense, I´m falling for Daemon. Hard. But then everything changes … I´ve seen someone who shouldn´t be alive. And I have to tell Daemon, even though I know he´s never going to stop searching until he gets the truth. What happened to his brother? Who betrayed him? And what does the DOD want from them – from me? No one is who they seem. And not everyone will survive the lies …
Katy is somehow connected with Daemon now. And does not like it at all! For her, this connection got nothing to do with real feelings. Not to mention love. And yet there is something that lets her blood run hot whenever Daemon is near, whenever he touches her. And Daemon? For him, it is one hell of a situation, too. But in a good way. A very good way. So he does everything to prove to Katy, that there is more between them than only that connection that happened when he had to heal her.
Jennifer L. Armentrout has a remarkable way to describe things, to bring scenes and figures alike to life and gripped me completely with her story. Her style is intense, touching, threatening and yet I couldn´t stop reading. From the first appearance of Blake and later Will I had an awkward feeling about them. The one seemed too good to be true and the other, well he was for my taste a bit too understanding.
All characters are not without a burden. Katy lost her father and is still mourning. Dee and Daemon lost their entire planet and brother and have to deal with the situation on earth. Being a guest isn´t easy for them and when they find out bit by bit what the DOD really knows the entire situation gets worse instead of better.
Katy is, in my opinion, one hell of a great character; literally and figural. She changed in a breathtaking way from the young grieving but still kind of innocent teenage girl that can´t harm any innocent life to a girl that would do anything to keep the love of her life safe and sound but without doing the unthinkable by killing others; innocent or not. Yes, she has to do some pretty awful things, but she always knows that she has a choice and that it is up to her what she does and how she does it. She has a conscience. She isn´t reckless or ruthless.
Daemon is a totally different caliber. No, not the opposite, but when he kills, he can live with it. Unlike Katy. But the moment he has to kill a human, it has its impact on him and he needs some time to deal with it. But besides that, he is as charming, dangerous, and infuriating as ever. He wants Katy, sees her as his, and does everything to keep her safe. What a fantastic guy.
And again, a great book. I felt so touched, so speechless and so moved when I was done with this second book of the author´s Lux Series. I can´t even now find the right words. Highly recommended.
Happy reading
Jennifer L. Armentrout
Jennifer L. Armentrout lives with her husband and their Jack Russell Loki in Martinsburg, West Virginia, USA. In algebra class, she spent most of her time writing short stories, which explains her dismal grades in math. When she´s not hard at work writing, she spends her time reading and watching zombie movies. The author has won numerous awards, including the 2013 Reviewers Choice Award for Wait for You, the 2015 Editor´s Pick for Fall With Me and was 2014 nominated Best in Young Adult Fiction by YALSA.
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