Launched by Sonja of A Bookshelf Full Of Sunshine, continued by FiktiveWelten with a new logo. The blog action is for lively communication between bloggers, a good network, and should be fun. Duration of the question: Friday to Thursday. Rules. No registration required. This week the FF question is: How do you feel about book tours? Are you actively involved, you persecute them passively, or are they not your thing at all? I only took an active part on a book tour once. That was for the book Anima by a German author. Since that experience, I am neither top nor flop when it comes to book-tours in general.
And to be honest, I haven´t participated in another one since that time and don´t plan on doing so in the near future. It was fun, yes, and I enjoyed being in contact with the author, to get information no one else had and to write my post about it. But the part where the publisher wanted to know upfront what my post would be about, or the planning weeks before the actual book tour had started, and to handle all that over a third party who wasn´t actually really involved, that was annoying. Additional to the fact, that I hadn´t read the book at all at that time and therefore didn´t know what to write or how to write it etc etc.
But despite that, I think that book tours can be a fine thing. They bring some attention to the book, the author, and the publisher. And if the participating blog does a great job and writes a post about everything that is connected to the book the tour is about, and you don´t get too many spoilers, it is quite fun to read and follow. On the other hand, I don´t want to see too many pieces or excerpts of the book in such a post to keep my interest up and to have the fun to discover things that are happening during the ongoing plot myself. And some bloggers simply write too much about the story, give you way too many insights and kind of kill the curiosity I might have for the book the tour is about.
When I visit the blogs of my friends and they are happening to be on that day part of a tour and post about it, fine, I read and comment if I have something to say about it. Otherwise, I am not especially looking for those tours.
Guess that makes me the in-between blogger when it comes to book tours. And thinking about this question made one thing quite clear to me: If I am ever going to be a part of a book tour again, I am doing it only with my own blog.
What is your experience with book tours?
Happy reading
Hi Vi,
ReplyDeleteneben zu vielen Spoilern beim Verfolgen der Beiträge solcher Touren, würde ich auch vor dem ganzen organisatorischen Vorab auf der aktiven Seite zurückschrecken. Selbst im direkten Kontakt, wüsste ich in erster Linie gar nicht, über welches Thema ich schreiben könnte. In der Regel kennt man das Buch ja noch nicht. Mitunter nicht einmal den Verfasser, dessen Schreibstil etc pp. Ohne Infos ein Thema planen, eine Deadline einhalten usw. finde ich doch arg erdrückend. Da wundert es kaum, dass viele Touren nur die Standard-Themen wie Charaktere oder Schauplätze beschreiben. Was mir als Leser wieder zu sehr nach Schema F und ggf. zu sehr ins Detail geht. Wie du schon sagst, man möchte nicht alles vorgekaut kriegen, sondern selbst bei der Lektüre entdecken ...
Liebe Grüße
Hi Pat,
Deletealso damals war der Verlag dann doch relativ flexibel was das Thema für den Post betraf. Denn klar kann ich, ohne das Buch zu kennen, nicht wirklich einen Beitrag schon vorab schreiben. Allerdings gehen halt auch viele Verlage wohl zwischenzeitlich davon aus, das man auch mit einer Fahne für eine BT vorlieb nimmt, und die sind ja oft schon Ewigkeiten vorab erhältlich. Die sind aber nicht mein Ding, ich will das richtige Buch *g*
Beste Grüße und danke fürs vorbeischaun