A beautiful and a bit darker second part of this trilogy. Denizen has started his new life and to learn how to deal with his newfound mother. With this second book, the author gives another insight into his great and unique fantasy. Reading this book was like discovering a completely new world.
The Forever Court*
by Dave RuddenKnights Of The Borrowed Dark Trilogy #2
Publisher Puffin on April 6, 2017
Genre Children 12+
Pages 416
Format Paperback
Source Publisher
Life is returning to normal for Denizen Hardwick. Well, the new normal, where he has to battle monsters in quiet Dublin bookshops and constantly struggle to contain the new powers he has been given by Venia, the daughter of the Endless King. But Denizen may need those powers sooner than he thinks – not only are the Tenebrous stirring again but the Order of the Borrowed Dark face a new threat from much closer to home …
Denizen is learning how to use his new powers the right way. But what exactly means the right way? Is it that, what the Palatin wants from him or the way his mother wants him to act. And with Venia close by, no one can predict nor tell him how things will unfold. But Denizen knows that what he feels and what others think is appropriate and good for him are not the same.
It was a bit sad to see that Denizen´s best friend Simon wasn´t as much involved in this story, as in the first book. And to see how Denizen and his mother are acting when it comes to each other – I can only say, poor boy. Dave Rudden´s way of writing is in some way special. His fantasy is huge, he matches things that make you laugh and puts things into question; simply great. His books show somehow the feelings and fantasies a teenage boy has. There is a lot of sarcasm, irony, and feelings involved that give you a clear insight of Denizen and his world. Sure, this time the tone is darker and some figures I liked from the other book, weren´t there anymore. But others, new ones showed up and gave Denizen enough to deal and think about.
There isn´t much of a figure description to find. Mostly you get the picture by reading how they act, think, and what they believe in. Denizen isn´t used to a caring and loving mother or to have one at all. And besides, his mother isn´t the type for carrying and showing emotions in public. She is a warrior, wants to train her son to become one himself but showing feelings? Why? Totally overrated.
I enjoyed this book and had a good time reading it. Sure, it wasn´t as entertaining as the other and I was asking myself for almost half of the pages where this would lead, but after that, it turned and all the sudden things made sense. So, for every Dave Rudden fan out there this is worth your time. And for all fans of his trilogy anyways.
Happy reading
*I read the German edition new release by Fischer Sauerländer on May 24, 2017
Dave Rudden
Dave Rudden completed his Creative Writing Masters at University College Dublin, earning a first-class honors degree. His short stories and poetry have been published in such journals as Bare Hands, Wordlegs, and the Quotable. He has been shortlisted for the Bath Short Story Prize and longlisted for the Fish Poetry Prize, and won the Fantasy Book Review Short Story Prize. He lives in Dublin, Ireland.
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