Time School has come to an end. And I am struggling with my rating. Not that I hated this novel, no. Not at all. It was a wonderful feeling to walk with Anna through Venice, remembering some places I´ve been there myself many years ago. So, what was then my problem with this last book? To be honest, I can´t quite name it. I was happy when I got the news, that I would be among those few who could read it way before its actual release date. And having the author participating too was a huge plus. But else?
Auf Ewig Uns*
by Eva VöllerTime School Trilogy #3
Publisher One on October 26, 2018
Genre Fantasy
Pages 381
Format Hardcover
Source Publisher
There was always something in between, but now it had finally worked out: Anna and Sebastiano have taken the vows! But when they celebrate a party with their guests after their civil wedding, the unbelievable happens: A time portal opens, and Sebastiano is abducted by her archenemy Mr. Fitzjohn! Anna is terrified. How is she ever going to find Sebastiano again? Fortunately, she gets the crucial clue from an unexpected direction, and she draws hope. But she knows only too well what Mr. Fitzjohn is after – a treasure that Anna wants to protect at all costs: her unborn child … (personal translation by ©Vi at Inkvotary)
Anna is in heaven. She finally became Sebastiano´s wife. And with a baby on the way, she couldn´t be happier. But while the wedding party is going on, Sebastiano gets hijacked and the nightmare begins. Because in Venice, where she finally finds him, she has to discover that he´s lost his memory all over again. But this time it´s even worse. Pregnant, another woman claiming the man she loves and stuck in a year where giving birth doesn´t seem the best idea. And what is Fitzjohn up to? Or Chester?
The soft style, the way how the author describes things, the setting of the present Venice and the one in the past – all that was again, wonderful to read. I was literally walking through Venice with Anna, enjoying the memories it brought back from my last trip to this captivating town. And yet I missed the esprit and the thrill I felt while reading the trilogies´ first novel. This third book has a great start - you are jumping right into the action when something unexpected happens and Anna is forced to think things over. But then the story becomes a bit shallow, and it seems that the novel got a bit stretched before towards the end, all of a sudden the plot gets wings. Everything gets solved within a few pages and before you know it, you are at the end of the book.
But at least I got many answers to my open questions. The author solved some things that weren´t clear to me while reading other books. And she explained a few things that needed an explanation. And I am very happy, that my guessing, with whom one of the figures might be related, was right. All that saved the book from getting a much lower rating, than you can see.
Can you believe it? Anna tries to help a man who tried to kill her moments ago! What in the world? Hasn´t she learned anything from the past? Apparently not. And that is what bugs me most when it comes to her character. She is incredibly naïve, gullible, acts before she thinks and the fact that none of her students takes her serious, says it all. On the other hand, she does everything to get them accustomed to life in the twenty-first century. And her love for Sebastiano is timeless. And knows no boundaries. A plus, if you ask me. I had the most fun, at first that is, with Ole and Fatima. He, a real Viking, and she an oriental beauty falling in love with each other. The passion and desire between them are huge and so are the fights they have often and with growing tension. Oh yes, the author brings all kinds of different figures and characters together. And coming from all sorts of centuries, you can imagine how life at the Time School is.
Not as good as the first book was (my favorite) and, told in stars, the same as book two. Somehow it couldn´t thrill me as much as book one has. Anna shows how credulous she is and the plot isn´t new too. Good, the romance factor is high, and being in Venice again with the story was great. But that alone isn´t enough, at least not for me, to give it a higher evaluation. But I am glad, one way or the other, that I´ve read it anyway. Now, I know how things end up and that Anna got, what she desired most. So, read it yourself, and see what I mean.
Happy reading
*This book was, at the time this review was published, only available in the German language. The title was kindly provided to me by One in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. Thank you. Therefore, the cover of the German edition is shown first in this review.
Eva Völler
As a child, Eva Völler liked to make stories. Nevertheless, she earned her buns first as a judge and attorney before she finally put the jurisprudence to the nail. "You can simply get a better mood from writing books than from legal disputes. And you can always decide for yourself how it ends in the end." The author lives with her children on the edge of the Rhön in Hesse.
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