This series comes now to an end. Though the author announces on her Carlotta-page that there will be a special edition about the plans Carlotta made while learning for her exams. Well, not sure about that one, but this final book of her Carlotta series was an absolutely good one. The author went back to her light, fun style, and created a story that made reading this novel pure pleasure.

Carlotta-Internat Und Kuss Und Schluss*
by Dagmar Hoßfeld
Carlotta Series #8
Illustration Edda Skibbe
Publisher Carlsen on September 28, 2018
Genre Children 10+
Pages 248
Format Hardcover
Source Library

The final year is on and for the twelfth class of Castle Prinzensee this means one thing above all: Abitur exams! Carlotta thinks things up. She has registered in the driving school, plans her own photo exhibition and would like to do a year abroad after leaving school. And as if there were not enough vertebrae: A quarrel with Jonas bothers her too. (personal translation by ©Vi at Inkvotary)
Carlotta is right in the middle of her final exams. Her mother is giving her a hard time and her future is sometimes in the dust. She knows for sure, that she wants to do something with her camera, but going right to University to study? Doesn´t sound like actual fun. She wants to travel, see the world, or at least a bit of it and after that, she can decide when and where she wants to study. Until then? Fun and a bittersweet goodbye are in order.

I am so happy that the author went back to her light and fun style that was so characteristic for most of her Carlotta-books. And together with Manu, one of her classmates, Carlotta is having a great time. The dialogues are hilarious, and some scenes are giving you one hell of a great time as a reader. It was simply said pure reading pleasure and I enjoyed every minute of this book.

Carlotta is almost eighteen. Her birthday is getting closer and with that comes freedom! Something she is yearning for. No more torn between her divorced parents. Or at least not in the way it used to be. Because Carlotta knows for sure, she wants to stay with her father. With him, she can talk, breathe, and knows that she is taken seriously. Her mother is one hell of another story. Stiff, always making plans, future planned until god knows when. Nothing Carlotta sees in her future life. Yes, she loves her mother dearly and her stepbrothers too, but why the heck does she need to know with eighteen what she wants to do with thirty? 

Sure, it is a book for children, and for sure, a quick read. But why not? Can´t hurt if I know this book/ series and can recommend it to other families. And it doesn´t hurt if you change your reading habits from time to time, doesn´t it? So yes, I absolutely enjoyed this book. It is beautifully illustrated, gives you some life lessons in a playful manner, and still shows life in all its shades and colors. Well done, Dagmar Hoßfeld, well done.

Happy reading

*This book was, at the time this review was published, only available in the German language.

Dagmar Hoßfeld
Dagmar Hoßfeld ©private

Dagmar Hoßfeld was born 1960 in Kiel, Germany. When she was a child, she wanted to become a veterinarian, farmer or stud’s owner. The fact that she has decided otherwise, is due to her son. When he was about half a year old, she was eager to write a children´s book. She sat down at her desk – and didn´t stop writing. Luckily! Dagmar Hoßfeld lives in a little village between the Baltic Sea and the Schlei and, as she says, has the most beautiful profession in the world: author.


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