After reading all its predecessors, I, of course, wanted to know how the story will continue. Good, this novel wasn´t about one of the Abbot children, but many of them were present. No question, the cover of the German edition is a soft and very feminine one – with all the rose tones in the motive. At least, it looks way better than the original one. But well, you can´t have everything.
Every Little Thing*
by Marie ForceThe Butler, Vermont Series #1
Green Mountain Series #7
Publisher HTJB Inc on January 26, 2017
Genre Novel
Pages 338
Format Paperback
Source Purchased
Grayson Coleman has just moved home to Butler, Vermont after spending years working for a high-powered law firm in Boston. He´s looking for a simpler, less stressful existence in the sleepy little mountain town where he grew up with his siblings and Abbott cousins. Once the holidays are over, he plans to hang out a shingle and open a new general law practice. After helping to raise his seven younger siblings, the last thing on Grayson´s mind is a family of his own. Emma Mulvaney is enjoying a break from her reality as a busy single mother in New York City while she and her adorable daughter, Simone, spend the holidays in Vermont with Emma´s sister, Lucy, and Lucy´s future in-laws, the Abbotts. After meeting Abbott cousin Grayson Coleman and talking to him for hours, Emma is nervous and excited to have dinner alone with him after sharing her deepest, most personal secrets with him. Will that first night be the start of something new for the jaded lawyer and the selfless single mom or will a holiday week flirtation turn into something much bigger than either of them ever expected?
Emma and her daughter Simone spend the holidays in Butler, Vermont with the Abbott family. And get to know a life that is totally different from the one, they have in New York City. Simone is having the time of her life, enjoying the freedom she can´t when in the City. The snow, the excitement that comes along with it, and all the new things she is learning. Living in Vermont would be one big adventure. If only her mother would like it as much, as Simone does.
If you are looking for a novel where the two main figures jump every five seconds into bed to have hot and steamy sex and that after barely knowing each other after a few hours, then you will be thrilled to read it. As much as I love to read a good Marie Force novel, in here, the sex was a bit too much for my taste. Nothing against that kind of activity, but in here it lost a bit of its magic and when I want to read an erotic novel, I go and pick one that is marked as such. Other than that, it was a nice and very romantic read. Though a foreseeable one. And if you are expecting some difficult scenes between Emma and Grayson, or even a fight, look again. Not there. Instead, you get a lot of repeated words. On almost every page you can read that Emma and Grayson are asking themselves and each other, how they can make it work. If a true relationship is doable for them with Emma´s life in New York City and Grayson´s life now in Butler. It was a good thought for both of them when I read it the first time. And a second and third time reading it in other words, was ok too. But then? Boring and unnecessary.
Emma is, what we call around here a sitting hen. Her entire life and other activities are centered around her daughter and Simone is only able to do other stuff outside this little cocoon when she either askes for it or does it with her grandfather. Usually, I´d call that sweet, but after some pages, I got annoyed by it. Sure, every mother wants her child to be safe and protected. But for heaven´s sake, let them live too. It is called childhood and that´s the only time in life where we´re supposed to have innocent fun.
Not absolutely sure why I feel the way I feel about it. Maybe because I know that the author can do much better. She has proven it countless times in her other novels. But besides the foreseeable story around Emma and Grayson, it was great fun to see the other Abbotts again.
Happy reading
*I read the German edition Jede Minute Mit Dir by Fischer TB on February 22, 2018
Marie Force
Marie Force is the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling, award-winning author of contemporary romance. She writes series as well as stand-alone novels. While her husband was in the U.S. Navy, Marie lived in Spain, Maryland, and Florida, and she is now settled in her home state of Rhode Island.
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