What a great book this was. A fantastic finish to the author´s Cornwall College trilogy and so worth my time. The cover is filled with symbols of all kind and though I am not very fond of the color combination (reminds me of wasps), the hand mirror is a beautiful accessory and it fits in perfectly in the style of the other covers.
Was Weiss Cara Winter?*
by Annika HarperCornwall College Trilogy #3
Publisher Carlsen on June 27, 2019
Genre Children 10+
Pages 311
Format Hardcover
Source Library
While the glitter girls at the boarding school Cornwall College discuss the latest nail polish trends, Cara Winter does not come to rest. Because her best friend Moritz lands in the clutches of criminals. Only Cara can help him. She does not know what avalanche of events she triggers with it – and her world is shaking like never before … (personal translation by ©Vi at Inkvotary).
Cara is happy to be back at Cornwall College. Sadly, she is not allowed to take part in the trip to Highmoor Castle, her classmates are planning to do. But her grandmother is stubborn as hell about it. For Cara, it is not easy to watch the others prepare and getting more and more excited about the castle and their time there. So many plans and so less time.
The story is filled with action, adventure, romance, and some fantastic characters. From the first word to the last this book is exciting, diversified, and thrilling. I couldn´t stop reading and was eager to find out what would happen on the next page. The author´s style is easy to read, blunt when it comes to the glitter-girls, but always with style and elegance. If you know what I mean *smile*
I am in love. Cara is one heck of a great girl and the way how she sees the world, how she thinks about everything is simply said wonderful. In this part, she fights, even more, to get what she desires and to find out why her grandmother is always so rigorous when it comes to her granddaughters wish to see the place where her father had a terrible accident many years ago. Annika Harper shows with the perfect combination of sensitivity and action how Cara copes with everything, how she gets involved in things, and what she does to solve the challenges she has to face. While reading this book I simply couldn’t help it but laugh every time I read a scene with the glitter girls. Those girls are THE HIT, besides Cara of course. They are so shallow-brained, dumb, and obsessed with their hair, make-up, and clothes, that you can only feel pity for them. Pretty to look at maybe, but don´t make them speak.
This third and last book of the Cornwall College trilogy was, at least for me, the best book. Filled with conflicts, a fighting Cara, a great atmosphere, great scenes, and hilarious dialogues. I am absolutely thrilled about it and very sad at the same time that there will be no further Cara Winter book.
Happy reading
*This book was, at the time this review was published, only available in the German language.
Annika Harper
Annika Harper studied English in Hamburg and London and works as a translator and in a chocolate shop. She lives with her English husband, two children and three dogs in a cottage in Cornwall.
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