This reading challenge is focused on knocking off titles that have been on the TBR for a while, or even ones that got pushed aside for new releases and is hosted by The Bookwyrm´s Hoard. To be honest, I wasn´t sure which challenge, concerning my TBR, I would like to do in 2020. Sometimes I like to do things a bit different and with all the changes I´ve done lately in my life, why not do a different backlist challenge. I looked around, read all the rules the other challenges require you to do when signing up and well, what can I say? So, The Backlist Reader Challenge is what I am doing this year again and I am looking forward to seeing how far I will come.
My Goal
My goal for this challenge is to read at least 8 books. I know, that doesn´t sound very much, but I am simply not sure how the year will be and I rather keep things low and get surprised with more than the other way around. I hate it when I fail at something. Yup, we are talking about reading books, having fun and do a challenge along the way. And all of this is meant to happen in a way that is enjoyable, pleasure and relaxing. So eight it is...
The challenge will run from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020. It ends at midnight in whatever time zone you are in. You have an entire year to complete your goal!
The rules are simple. Only (1) and (2) are mandatory.
(1) To count for the challenge, books have to be published before 2019 AND already be on your TBR list or pile.
... In other words, you don’t have to own the book. If it was on your want-to-read list when you signed up for the challenge, and it came out in 2018 or earlier, it counts… regardless of format (ebook, print book, audiobook) and how you acquired it. You can count rereads if (a) you haven’t read the book in the last 10 years, and (b) you can’t remember any more of it than you would learn by reading the publisher’s blurb.
... In other words, you don’t have to own the book. If it was on your want-to-read list when you signed up for the challenge, and it came out in 2018 or earlier, it counts… regardless of format (ebook, print book, audiobook) and how you acquired it. You can count rereads if (a) you haven’t read the book in the last 10 years, and (b) you can’t remember any more of it than you would learn by reading the publisher’s blurb.
(2) Create a goal or sign-up post on your blog or wherever you usually post your reviews
... (e.g., Goodreads, LibraryThing, Instagram.). Please link back to The Bookwyrm´s Hoard. Then link your sign-up post in the linky here at The Bookwyrm´s Hoard where you see the “Add your link” button. (Please link the actual goals/sign-up post, not your home page.) You can set your own goal, and you can list the books you want to read this year or leave it up to your mood at the time—as long as they are already on your TBR list when you sign up! You can sign up through December 1, 2020; after that, the sign-up link will be closed.
... (e.g., Goodreads, LibraryThing, Instagram.). Please link back to The Bookwyrm´s Hoard. Then link your sign-up post in the linky here at The Bookwyrm´s Hoard where you see the “Add your link” button. (Please link the actual goals/sign-up post, not your home page.) You can set your own goal, and you can list the books you want to read this year or leave it up to your mood at the time—as long as they are already on your TBR list when you sign up! You can sign up through December 1, 2020; after that, the sign-up link will be closed.
(3) (Optional) Review the books you read and post the links on the review linky
... (reachable through the top menu bar at The Bookwyrm´s Hoard.) You can certainly do the challenge without writing reviews, but the review links are your entries for the year-end giveaway. Reviews don’t have to be that long. A few sentences is fine. You can post them on Goodreads or LibraryThing if you don’t have a blog. Please link to your review itself (not to your blog´s main page, your profile, or the book’s Goodreads or LibraryThing page.)
... (reachable through the top menu bar at The Bookwyrm´s Hoard.) You can certainly do the challenge without writing reviews, but the review links are your entries for the year-end giveaway. Reviews don’t have to be that long. A few sentences is fine. You can post them on Goodreads or LibraryThing if you don’t have a blog. Please link to your review itself (not to your blog´s main page, your profile, or the book’s Goodreads or LibraryThing page.)
(4) (Optional) On or just after the end of the year, post a wrap-up post to let us know how you did! There will be a link-up post created for the wrap-up posts, too. It is just for fun.
Please use #BacklistReader on Twitter, Facebook, and where ever hashtags in social media are useful.
There will be at least one giveaway: a $15 Amazon gift certificate or up to that amount in books from Book Depository. The winner will be chosen at random from the review links at the end of the year. The Bookwyrm´s Hoard might throw the occasional Twitter party as well, but you don’t have to attend. All you really need to participate are two things: a to-read list, and a way to sign up and link your reviews.
You can find the review linky on the top menu bar at The Bookwyrm´s Hoard homepage, with a link from the sidebar as well. The review linky will go “live” on January 1, 2020. It will stay open through January 5, 2021, to give you a couple of days to review any books you finished on December 31.
Happy reading & Good luck
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