This one was a real page-turner. I read this book within a few hours and had quite some fun with it. Oops, that sounds ambiguous 😂. Of course, I am talking about reading fun – not what you probably had in mind 😉. And after the previous book gave me the impression that it simply wasn´t for me, this one showed me that I am still in for a story like this. Dark but not too dark, with some hilarious dialogues and a female protagonist who knows what she wants and how to get it.
Royal Lies*
by Geneva Lee Royal World Series #2
Die Royals Saga #9
Translation Charlotte Seydel
Original Title Claim Me*
Publisher Blanvalet on June 15, 2020
Genre Love-Women-Erotica
Pages 387
Format Paperback
Source Publisher
Lies overshadow their love and threaten to destroy it … Clara and Alexander´s love was put to the test. Clara doesn´t know if she can forgive Alexander for all the lies and secrets. She hasn´t been the innocent girl from when they met and fell in love for a long time. She is now a queen and no longer needs protection. But every family has its secrets, the royal family more than any other. And one of them could ultimately be the doom of the young couple … (personal translation by ©Vi at Inkvotary).
Clara has a secret of her own. And yet she can´t forgive Alexander and keeps her secure distance. But being a queen and mother doesn´t make life easier. And when Alexander´s younger sister moves back into the palace, her life again changes. And Alexander shows that he is not willing to be the king parliament wants him to be. And when an old enemy is back in the game, Clara and Alexander need more than ever someone they can trust.
This novel is, thank God, not as sappy as the other one had been. Here, Alexander and Clara find back to the passionate way they enjoy with each other and Geneva Lee shows how Clara starts to finally accept Alexander´s real nature. That turn gives the novel a wonderful erotic twist and some tension. Positive tension and negative. In a good way.
I was surprised to see some unexpected twists and turns and the cliffhanger at the end shocked me. Didn´t expect that to happen. It seems as if the two main figures can´t have a bit of happiness. All those happy scenes are combined with a bad one where all hell breaks loose. I think we´ll never find out how the cake tasted …
The author demands a lot from her figures. There is so much pain, sadness, despair, and hate in this story but also some sort of twisted family happiness.
Clara is not the kind of queen people think of when they think about this status. She´s unconventional, does things her own way, and yet doesn´t feel part of the world she lives in. What keeps her where she is, is her love for Alexander. He´s the one she wants, the one she desires, and the one she knows he can´t survive without her. In an emotional way.
This was quite a surprise. And with that cliffhanger – Geneva Lee how can you do that to your readers?! For all those, who know the author and this saga, this is a must-read. Guess my next book shopping trip is in order.
Happy reading
*This book was kindly provided to me by Blanvalet in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. Thank you. Therefore, the cover of the German edition is shown first in this review.
Deutsche Rezension
Gott sei Dank ist dieser Roman nicht so schnulzig wie der andere. Hier finden Alexander und Clara wieder die leidenschaftliche Art und Weise, die sie miteinander genießen, und Geneva Lee zeigt, wie Clara Alexanders wahre Natur schlussendlich akzeptiert. Diese Wendung verleiht dem Roman eine wunderbare erotische Weise und etwas Spannung. Positive Spannung und negative. Auf gute Art. Ich war überrascht, einige unerwartete Wendungen zu sehen, und der Cliffhanger am Ende schockierte mich. Mit dem hatte ich nicht gerechnet. Es scheint, als könnten die beiden Hauptfiguren kein bisschen Glück haben. All diese glücklichen Szenen werden mit einer schlimmen kombiniert, in der die Hölle losbricht. Ich denke, wir werden nie herausfinden, wie der Kuchen geschmeckt hat …
Die Autorin verlangt viel von ihren Figuren. Es gibt so viel Schmerz, Traurigkeit, Verzweiflung und Hass in dieser Geschichte, aber auch eine Art verdrehtes Familienglück.
Clara ist nicht die Art von Königin, an die Menschen denken, wenn sie über diesen Status nachdenken. Sie ist unkonventionell, macht die Dinge auf ihre Weise und fühlt sich dennoch nicht als Teil der Welt, in der sie lebt. Was sie dort hält, wo sie ist, ist ihre Liebe zu Alexander. Er ist derjenige, den sie will, den sie begehrt und von dem sie weiß, dass er ohne sie nicht überleben kann. Auf emotionale Weise.
Das war eine ziemliche Überraschung. Und mit diesem Cliffhanger – Geneva Lee, wie können Sie das ihren Lesern antun?! Für all, die die Autorin und diese Saga kennen, ein Muss. Ich denke, mein nächster Bucheinkauf steht an.

* Book was originally published Claim Me by Geneva Lee, LLC on March 26, 2019
Geneva Lee
Geneva Lee was since always a hopeless romantic, who prefers fantasy to reality – especially fantasies involving powerful, dangerous, and sexy men. With her Royals Saga, the love-story between the English crown prince Alexander and commoner Clara, she hit into the heart of the reader and took the international bestseller lists by storm. Geneva Lee lives with her family in Kansas City.
Gotta love the books that you can't help but binge read. :D
ReplyDeleteTrue words *smile*