The summary on the publisher´s website to this thriller (you could translate it The President´s case) sounded so intriguing that I simply had to have it. It turned out to be a solid thriller with a few minor flaws and some things I wasn´t really happy with. But that is only my opinion.

Der Fall Des Präsidenten*
by Marc Elsberg
Publisher Blanvalet on March 01, 2021
Genre Thriller
Pages 604
Format Hardcover
Source Blanvalet

Dana Marin, a lawyer, would never have believed she would actually experience this day: During a visit to Athens, the Greek police arrested the ex-President of the USA on behalf of the International Criminal Court. Diplomatic hectic immediately breaks out. The incumbent US president is campaigning and cannot afford a scandal. The White House is threatening the International Court of Justice and all states of the European Union. And for Dana Marin, a fight against overwhelming opponents begins. Just like for their most important witness, whose testimony can finally bring down the once most powerful man in the world, and whom the US secret services are already hot on the heels. Meanwhile, a task force is preparing the violent liberation of the ex-president … (personal translation by ©Vi at Inkvotary).
All Dana wanted was to give all those with no voice exactly that. A voice. It was never part of the plan that she would become the famous face of the plan to accuse the former president of the US of war crimes. Now the entire world knows her face and Dana gets to feel the entire force behind it.

On the one hand, it was a typical Elsberg thriller, on the other hand, the book lacked that certain something. No question about it, I had a lot of fun with it and absolutely enjoyed some scenes and chapters - in terms of reading. But the many pages where political strategies were presented and where an infinite number of characters were brought into play, only to disappear a short time later, never to be seen again, was a tad too much for me. Less would definitely have been more. Sure, when it comes to the action, the reader is offered the full range of possibilities. And the resemblance to a former president, in terms of character, made the ex-president figure in this thriller smile. But then I could have safely done without the corona pandemic, which has been mentioned again and again. We are still in the middle of this, but in the book, it is already a thing of the past. That was a bit too much for me.

Marc Elsberg has remained true to his language and writing style. There are a lot of scenes and dialogues that are very entertaining, and the main character shows strength and perseverance that is nothing short of impressive. I was very happy that it was a woman or several who had the courage here to stand up to a once-powerful man and to show what was going on. Legally, of course.

Dana is a woman who is very familiar with the suffering of war, crime, and a new beginning in a foreign land. She knows what it means to have to integrate and learn to cope with the new reality. Giving up is a foreign word for them. Respect for a person's celebrity, yes, but not at any cost. She believes in the law and applicable laws and is ready to fight to bring former criminals to justice. If necessary, also by mobilizing all the resources available to it.

That was an entertaining thriller that gave me one or two enjoyable reading hours. Unfortunately, there were too many scenes with endless political strategies for my taste, and it felt strange to read about the corona pandemic in the past tense when the reality is still very different. If you don't mind such little things, you will find reading pleasure here. It bothered me a little, hence only a rating of four instead of five.

Happy reading

*This book was, at the time this review was published, only available in the German language and kindly provided to me by Blanvalet in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. Thank you.

Deutsche Rezension

Einerseits war das ein typischer Elsberg Thriller, andererseits fehlte dem Buch doch das gewisse Etwas. Keine Frage, ich hatte durchaus mein Vergnügen damit und hab so manche Szene und Kapitel absolut genossen – lesetechnisch. Aber die vielen Seiten, wo politische Strategien dargestellt und wo unendlich viele Figuren ins Spiel gebracht wurden, nur um kurz darauf auf Nimmerwiedersehen wieder zu verschwinden, das war mir dann doch einen Tick zu viel. Da wäre weniger eindeutig mehr gewesen. Klar, was die Action angeht, wird dem Leser die volle Palette des Möglichen geboten. Und die Ähnlichkeit mit einem ehemaligen Präsidenten, so vom Charakter her, war bei der Figur des Ex-Präsidenten in diesem Thriller schon zum Schmunzeln. Doch auf die immer wieder erwähnte Corona Pandemie hätte ich dann doch getrost verzichten können. Wir stecken noch mitten in dieser, aber im Buch ist sie bereits Vergangenheit. Das war mir dann doch etwas zu viel.

Seinem Sprach- und Schreibstil ist Marc Elsberg treu geblieben. Da gibt es viele Szenen und Dialoge, die einen gut unterhalten und die Hauptfigur zeigt eine Stärke und Durchhaltevermögen, das einfach nur beeindruckend ist. Hat mich sehr gefreut, dass es eine Frau war bzw. mehrere, die hier die Courage hatten, einem einst mächtigen Mann die Stirn zu bieten und zu zeigen, wo es lang geht. Rein rechtlich gesehen, natürlich.

Dana ist eine Frau, die sehr vertraut ist mit Kriegsleid, Verbrechen und einem Neuanfang in einem fremden Land. Sie weiß, was es heißt, sich integrieren zu müssen und zu lernen, mit der neuen Realität zurechtzukommen. Aufgeben ist für sie ein Fremdwort. Respekt vor der Berühmtheit einer Person ja, aber nicht um jeden Preis. Sie glaubt an das Recht und geltende Gesetze und ist bereit, dafür zu kämpfen, dass einstige Verbrecher zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden. Notfalls auch unter Aufbietung aller ihr zur Verfügung stehenden Ressourcen.

Das war ein unterhaltsamer Thriller, der mir doch die eine oder andere vergnügliche Lesestunde beschert hat. Leider waren für meinen Geschmack zu viele Szenen mit endlosen politischen Strategien vorhanden, und es hat sich seltsam angefühlt über die Corona Pandemie in der Vergangenheitsform zu lesen, wo die Realität doch noch ganz anders ist. Wen solche Kleinigkeiten nicht stören, der wird hier sein Lesevergnügen finden. Mich hat es ein wenig gestört, daher auch nur ein Rating von Vier statt Fünf.

Marc Elsberg
Marc Elsberg ©Clemens Lechner

Marc Elsberg was born in 1967 in Vienna, Austria. He was a strategy consultant and creative director for an advertising in Vienna and Hamburg as well as columnist of the Austrian daily newspaper “Der Standard”. With his international bestsellers BLACKOUT and ZERO, he also established himself as a master of the science thriller. Today he lives and works in Vienna.


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