Kat ROCKS! This second book in the Firefly Creek series is much better and shows a protagonist who knows how to handle the male species. Not a badass in the actual sense of the word, but one hell of a great woman. She brings pepper into the story and turns the life of one of the Bennett-brothers upside down.

Das Glück Findet Dich*
by Lilian Kaliner
Firefly Creek Series #2
Publisher Fischer TB on November 24, 2021
Genre Novel
Pages 351
Format Paperback
Source Fischer TB

For Kat Roberts, Firefly Creek, a quaint little town in South Australia, is the ideal place to start over. She can finally open her own veterinary practice that she has dreamed of for so long. She quickly makes new friends. And then there´s Jim Bennett, the quiet and extremely handsome farmer´s son. When he takes her in his arms, she feels happy and secure. Suddenly they make up for their previous mistakes and everything is at stake. Kat has to face her past so that she and Jim have a future together. (Personal translation by ©Vi at Inkvotary).
Kat wants to start a new life. Her place of choice is Firefly Creek. Her passion for medicine has made her become a veterinarian and her desire to give the farmers the best help and support possible lead her to a small town where not everybody is happy to have a female veterinarian at hand. But Kat knows how to handle the stubbornness and how to get what she wants. One way or the other.

The first half of the novel is just great. The main character rocks the story, and the Bennett family is shown that a woman can wear pants without losing her femininity. The author has literally given momentum to her writing style and has probably also improved her image of women. There is no longer anything to be seen of the weaker female sex, which is carrying everything after the men. As was the case in the first volume. Even Harry, the head of the Bennett family, is fascinated by the main character and there are so many wonderful scenes in this novel that for me as a reader were just great to read.

I´m really excited about Kat. What a great figure! With her, the author has created a human soul that is not often found. The way Kat thinks, looks for solutions, and implements them simply and often very spontaneously and in an unusual way is just delicious. I often had to smile widely. In addition, the main character is the complete opposite of how the men in rural South Australia imagine a veterinarian. At least the ones in the book. I had to laugh out loud when this image developed in my mind´s eye, which had nothing at all to do with the popular idea. In general, Kat is a very unusual woman. She doesn´t do anything the conventional way, doesn´t care about normality, and gives her heart away to those who need her help most.

This novel is significantly better than the first volume in this series, but it also has some weak points. After a terrific start, the story begins to falter after a good half and the author uses many clichés that shouldn´t have been. All in all, however, a nice reading pleasure.

Happy reading

*This book was kindly provided to me by Fischer TB in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. Thank you. The title was, at the time this review was published, only available in the German language.

Deutsche Rezension

Die erste Hälfte des Romans ist einfach klasse. Die Hauptfigur rockt die Geschichte und der Bennett-Familie wird gezeigt, dass eine Frau Hosen tragen kann, ohne ihre Weiblichkeit zu verlieren. Die Autorin hat ihrem Schreibstil buchstäblich Schwung verliehen und auch ihr Frauenbild verbessert. Da ist nichts mehr vom schwachen weiblichen Geschlecht zu sehen, das den Männern alles hinterherträgt. Wie es noch im ersten Band der Fall war. Sogar Harry, das Familienoberhaupt der Bennetts, ist von der Hauptfigur fasziniert und es gibt so manche wundervolle Szene in diesem Roman, die für mich als Leserin einfach nur klasse zum Lesen waren.

Ich bin ganz begeistert von Kat. Was für eine großartige Figur! Die Autorin hat mit ihr eine Seele von einem Menschen erschaffen, wie man sie nicht oft vorfindet. Die Art und Weise, wie Kat denkt, nach Lösungen sucht und diese einfach und oftmals auch sehr spontan und auf ungewöhnliche Art umsetzt, ist einfach nur köstlich. Da musste ich oft breit schmunzeln. Hinzukommt, dass die Hauptfigur das glatte Gegenteil von dem ist, wie sich die Männer im ländlichen Südaustralien einen Tierarzt vorstellen. Zumindest die im Buch. Ich habe laut lachen müssen, als sich vor meinem inneren Auge dieses Bild entwickelte, das so gar nichts mit der landläufigen Vorstellung zu tun hatte. Überhaupt ist Kat eine sehr ungewöhnliche Frau. Sie macht nichts auf die konventionelle Art, pfeift auf Normalität und verschenkt ihr Herz an die, die ihre Hilfe am dringendsten brauchen.

Dieser Roman ist deutlich besser als der erste Band dieser Serie, hat aber ebenfalls einige Schwachstellen. Nach einem grandiosen Start fängt die Geschichte nach gut der Hälfte zu schwächeln an und die Autorin bedient so manches Klischee, was nicht hätte sein müssen. Alles in allem aber dennoch ein schönes Lesevergnügen.

Lilian Kaliner
Lilian Kaliner ©Katrin Greiner

Lilian Kaliner, born in 1984, lives with her husband, two children, a dog, and lots of chicken in a small town near Freiburg. With her current husband, she traveled through Australia in an ancient camper van. They picked cherries at just under forty degrees to finance the trip, stayed on lonely beaches, were surprised by the cold in Tasmania – and got married shortly afterward. When she got the idea for a series of novels with a turbulent extended family, it was clear that she would be set in Australia.


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