A book that I read within no time. And if I remember it correctly, it was an overnight read. I guess it was because I had it from the library and the lady there gave it to me although it was reserved for another reader. I promised to bring it back in time – and I did. And in case you are not familiar with the author's books, her Twilight series is one you either love or don´t love. There is no in-between. You can probably guess which side I am on *smile*
Breaking Dawn
by Stephenie MeyerTwilight Series #4
Publisher Little Brown Books on August 2, 2008
Genre Vampire
Pages 756
Format Hardcover
Source Library
A year full of happiness, but also full of pain lies behind Bella. A year in which she almost broke up because her passion for Edward and her deep friendship with Jakob are simply incompatible. But now her decision has been made. Irrevocable, even if it appears to be setting in motion a development that is potentially devastating for all of them. Bella still hopes to be able to pull the different threads of her life back together when everything threatens to be destroyed forever...
Bella's wedding day to Edward is fast approaching. She looks forward to the ceremony with a queasy feeling. Because she was brought up to shudder at the mere thought of a wedding dress and flowers. But it is Edward's condition that she marry him if she wants to be transformed by him. After the wedding, however, Bella harbors the wish to be able to stay human a little longer and tries to reach a compromise with Edward. But then something happens that no one expected - least of all Bella. The time of happiness with Edward seems to be over because Bella is suddenly confronted with painful events. Events that she would not have dared to even think about in her wildest dreams, let alone actually experience them. Bella's life is suddenly in mortal danger. But she fights with determination and incredible will, even when it seems a hopeless fight. But everything she loves is in danger of being destroyed, and she doesn't want to let it - can't let it...
Stephenie Meyer brings the story of Bella and Edward closer to the reader from two different perspectives in soulful and clear language. Due to this change, especially in the second book, the reader experiences the events particularly intensively, even when Bella is doing incredibly badly. In general, I had the feeling in some scenes that Stephenie Meyer brought her own experiences into the plot, they were written so poignantly and incredibly beautifully. I particularly liked the fact that Stephenie Meyer left the reader enough room for their own imagination. She stayed true to her writing style.
The author has given her various characters the most incredible qualities and traits that are so wonderfully human, yet so full of fantasy. There are strong characters and weak ones. But weak here does not mean the depiction and elaboration of the figure, but rather its character. The reader gets everything. From deviousness, betrayal, and anger to passion, hope, and the incredible strength of a family that sticks together no matter what.
But what impressed me the most was Bella's development. She develops a strength, a determination that grows even greater than she already had. But most of all, as the story progresses, she shows self-control, a mastery of her emotions that is tremendous and utterly amazing and unbelievable even for vampires. But for me as a reader, too, this insane mastery was exciting and wonderful to experience.
The best book in the series ever. Incredibly fantastic. So gripping, so captivating, and full of great feelings and emotions. I didn't want to put it down at all.
Happy reading

Stephenie Meyer
Stephenie Meyer graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in English Literature. In 2008 USA Today declared her “Author of the Year” because she had swept the top four slots in that year – which no one else ever had in the 15 years of the USA Today bestselling book list. Her internationally bestselling Twilight Series has sold 155 million copies worldwide and altogether her books have spent over 303 weeks on the New York Times Bestseller List. She lives with her husband and three sons in Arizona.
I have such good memories of this book! I remember it being the very first one I ever pre-ordered and I was SO excited.