Well, the cover alone wasn´t the reason why I wanted to read the fifth volume in the Firefly Creek series. I had read all the other books so it seemed natural to read this one as well. Because I like to close things. Here, it meant to discover the story about Evie and Quentin. And over the first half, it was a thrilling novel about love, secrets, and a gorgeous woman called Evie. The other half wasn´t as exciting anymore. But read and judge for yourself.

In Meinen Träumen Bei Dir*
by Lilian Kaliner
Firefly Creek Series #5
Publisher Fischer TB on April 26, 2023
Genre Novel
Pages 407
Format Paperback
Source Fischer TB

Finally, in Firefly Creek - that cute little town Evie has heard so much about. Will she find answers here to the questions that have plagued her since her mother's death? And is it permissible to while away the time with new acquaintances while she looks around the town? There's this cheeky, not entirely unattractive guy named Quentin who wants to show her the fireflies... But after the first kiss, things suddenly get very complicated, because the two have more in common than they thought. Can Quentin and Evie put the past behind them? And do they have a chance of a future together?
After her mother’s death, Evie wants to know who her father is. But all she has is a picture and a name. Harry. And when she finally stands right in front of him, she is nervous and wants nothing but to go. But Harry knows the truth and when he tells her about it, Evie realizes that not everything in life is how she wants it. And her father is one of those things.

It was clear that bad guy Richard Smith had to do something good in this series as well. That's the only thing I really like about Harry and Richard's feud, and it seems logical. The rest seems a bit artificial.

As in the other parts, the language is easy to read. The plot brings a lot of surprises to light. What I didn't like so much was that the story didn't read well after half of it. There's quite a bit of unnecessary filler, and it gets a bit long-winded and boring at times. The scenes and settings are different, and it goes from winter to summer, and still not everything is that simple.

The Bennetts now live quite scattered around the farm. A lot of things aren't that easy anymore, and yet they are all still affectionate. And things are getting tight for Harry. Because Evie wants to get to know her roots and Harry is a part of that.

Evie is a remarkable woman. She works as a veterinary assistant and helps Kat in the office in whatever way she can. It's clear that she wants to find out everything that's going on in Bennett's family. But when it becomes reality, it's a completely different thing that worries her.

On the one hand a successful novel, on the other hand, something similar. A few clichés are used, a grandiose landscape is presented, and the characters are presented in a varied way. And yet I was a bit disappointed from halfway through.

Happy reading

*This book was kindly provided to me by Fischer TB in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. Thank you. Therefore, the cover of the German edition is shown first in this review. This book was, at the time this review was published, only available in the German language.

Deutsche Rezension

Es war klar, dass der Fiesling Richard Smith in dieser Serie auch noch etwas Gutes hervorbringen muss. Das ist das Einzige, was mir an der Fehde von Harry und Richard wirklich gefällt und logisch erscheint. Der Rest wirkt teilweise etwas künstlich.

Wie schon in den anderen Teilen ist die Sprache gut zu lesen. Die Handlung bringt einiges an Überraschungen zutage. Was mir weniger gut gefiel war, ab der Hälfte liest sich die Geschichte nicht mehr rund. Da gibt es einiges an unnötigem Füllmaterial und es wird stellenweise etwas langatmig und langweilig. Die Szenen und Settings sind zwar unterschiedlich und es geht von Winter zu Sommer und trotzdem ist nicht alles so einfach.

Die Bennett´s wohnen mittlerweile ziemliche verstreut rund um die Farm. Vieles ist nicht mehr so einfach und trotzdem sind sie sich alle noch herzlich zugetan. Und für Harry wird es langsam eng. Denn Evie will ihre Wurzeln kennenlernen und Harry ist ein Teil davon.

Evie ist eine bemerkenswerte Frau. Sie arbeitet als tiermedizinische Assistentin und hilft Kat in der Praxis, wo sie nur kann. Das sie in Bennetts Familie alles herausfinden will, was geht, ist klar. Doch als es Wirklichkeit wird, ist es eine ganz andere, was ihr da Sorgen macht.

Einerseits ein gelungener Roman, auf der anderen Seite etwas Einheitsbrei. Es werden einige Klischees bedient, eine grandiose Landschaft aufgefahren und die Charaktere abwechslungsreich dargeboten. Und trotzdem war ich ab der Hälfte etwas enttäuscht.

Lilian Kaliner
Lilian Kaliner ©Katrin Greiner

Lilian Kaliner, born in 1984, lives with her husband, two children, a dog, and lots of chicken in a small town near Freiburg. With her current husband, she traveled through Australia in an ancient camper van. They picked cherries at just under forty degrees to finance the trip, stayed on lonely beaches, were surprised by the cold in Tasmania – and got married shortly afterwards. When she got the idea for a series of novels with a turbulent extended family, it was clear that she would be set in Australia.


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