This is a Friday meme now hosted by Patricia of FiktiveWelten. Every week she asks a question that you can answer. Everyone who would like to participate, just answer her question, link to her blog, and write a comment under her post to let the others know that you are participating. The entire rules you can find here.
This week the topic is all about having a library card (or more) and if I use my card. I am a bit late with the FF. Last week when I should have done it, I was actually not disciplined enough to write posts for my blog not to talk about an FF one. The clock change we had recently is still having its impact on me and I get hardly anything done.
But despite that, yes, I do have a library card and I use her a lot.
My library here in town opens the doors on three days during the week. Two days a week I can go during the afternoon, on one day she is open during the morning.
The library is run by two great ladies, Mrs. B & Mrs. B (no joke, they really have both last names that start with a “b”), who handle everything library-related and I know them since the moment I moved into town to live here. They have both a great sense of humor, know that I am writing reviews since many, many years and since they know that I am running this blog, they even look from time to time what I am doing here. Isn´t that nice, or what?
Until a few weeks ago, I only had to step out of the house, walk a few steps across a huge open place and was right there at my personal book paradise. Now I have to walk a few steps more to our Town Hall building where she is located now, but that is still within a good walking distance – at least for me *smile*
I actually love that place. Every time I go in to bring back some books, I end up bringing home some new ones. Every book I don´t want to buy or where I am not sure if I should look at the library if they have it. If they don´t the ladies there do everything they can to get it and it happens quite often, that as soon as I step through the door they hold up a book I had asked for some time ago. They do one hell of a great job and it is always a pleasure to have a little chat with them.
Every year they organize a literature breakfast around November where they show the new editions of the year and where you can have a chat with other book lovers, people who work at publishing houses or directly in a bookstore.
And if you are curious how my card looks like, I will tell you this: My card has the size of a credit card, is set up in white, blue, and yellow and shows on its front side a house in form of a huge upright standing drawn book with an open door in the book cover. The backside is the usual stuff: A bar code and a field where I had to sign her.
How is it about you. Do you have a library card?
Happy reading
Happy reading

I have a library card but I don't go there often because I'm usually too busy with the books I purchase and receive for review. I do go more in the summer though because I can borrow books for twice as long then, which gives me enough time to read them since I usually borrow way too many. lol
ReplyDeleteOh yes, I know THAT only too well *lol.