Most of the books I am displaying here are books I am looking very much forward to their release day. Some of them I already pre-ordered, others I started a request for and some I already have in my bookshelves since the month of February is by now a few days old. It can be that you will see some titles in my list that are already being published abroad but will hit the German bookstores only by now; or the other way around. I don´t know which of them I will be really able to read this month or over the year in general - not to mention buying them or getting them as a reviewer´s copy – but I will try to get to know as many as I can.

This time the list is a bit longer – thank god! And as you can see, equal. Five English new releases and the same amount on the German list. Okay, I do have to say, that some books you see on the second list are already out in English and that I do have them already at home, and some actually already read. But nonetheless, I am looking forward to seeing how the translation of the German editions will be and how the covers will look live in my hand. This list contains only the English titles and displays only the English covers for a better understanding.

Okay, now enough of the talking. My February list:

English New Releases



German New Releases



Happy reading


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