This is a Friday meme hosted by Patricia of FiktiveWelten. Every week she asks a question that you can answer. Everyone who would like to participate, just answer her question, link to her blog, and write a comment under her post to let the others know that you are participating. The entire rules you can find here.

Since Patricia is hosting the Follow Friday I knew from her that she was open to any ideas for new questions in this meme. But I never had one I thought was worth being asked. A little while ago it kind of hit me and I sent her my ideas and she accepted them! How great is that?!

So this week the question is all about: What do you care about figures mainly?

Over the years I found out that I am not that fond of pale and too weak figures. If a female figure is too often asking or worrying about whether or not the others will still respect her when she does this or that – I start to roll my eyes. The same goes for a male character.  If a character is acting without thinking first and shows a huge lack of depth and brain I get bored and my thinking about that figure will not be nice.

I don´t need to have a main figure or any other figure looking like a god or a goddess, not at all, no. That is and can be wonderful if the plot is arranged for such spotless beauties and the novel itself is built on that. Yes, sometimes it can be quite nice or even entertaining to read a story with such figures in it, no question.

But in any book that happens to land in my hands? No. I need diversity. The main figure or a minor figure (female or male) can be a shiny beauty on the outside but please give him/her some edges, a bit imperfection, and a weakness no matter what that will look like. That is for me way more intriguing than the spotless beauty who acts as if she left her brain at the counter and who can frankly do nothing alone. But the most fascinating characters for me are those who look like ordinary people and who still experience all the things that those perfect beauties in other novels do too.

And if I am reading a series, I want to see how those figures change. For the better or worse, it is up to the author, but if a figure stays through every book the same that is boring as well.

How is it about you?

Happy reading



  1. Hi Vi,

    erst einmal Danke für dein Engagement, Fragen zum Follow Friday beizusteuern! ♥

    Bei Romanfiguren brauche ich vor allem Authentizität und Tiefe. Wie du schon sagst, sie müssen Ecken und Kanten haben. Mr. und Miss Universum unterhalten mich eher selten, es sei denn sie landen mit Karacho im Fettnapf. Ich mag Psychos und spontane Figuren. Eine Portion Intelligenz sollten grundsätzlich alle mitbringen.

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Hi Pat,
      so, jetzt musste ich erst mal so richtig lachen was das "landen mit Karacho im Fettnapf" angeht. Das ist ein Ausdruck - köstlich! Danke für den Blogbesuch.

      Beste Grüße

  2. I like it when the characters I read about are not perfect. I want them to have flaws and make mistakes because it's more realistic and interesting that way.

    1. I totally agree with you. Imperfection is the absolute perfect way for a character :-) Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Hi Vi,

    jetzt sind wir also schon international :) Zwar bin ich in nicht so schlecht auf Englisch, aber ich bevorzuge es doch auf Deutsch zu kommentieren.
    Authentische Figuren sind mir auch sehr wichtig. Ich mag Ecken und Kanten!

    Ganz liebe Grüße aus Tirol

    1. Hi Marie,

      kein Problem :-) Ich freu mich, das du vorbei geschaut hast. Ja, aalglatte Figuren sind irgendwie langweilig, stimmt´s? Muss schon realistisch sein oder wenn dann doch gestriegelt und gebügelt, dann wenigstens mit einem gehörigen Schuss Humor und Witz dabei.

      Beste Grüße aus dem Schwabenländle


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