Despite the fact, that Halloween has become a “thing” here in Germany, I am not much of a Trick or Treat kinda girl. Most of the things I see at our supermarket are nice to look at, but I don´t feel the need to buy all the candy – no matter how crazy and bloody it looks. Halloween is a day like any other day for me. But I have only great memories of my Halloween time in the US – imagine me elbow deep cutting out pumpkins …
Back then, it was quite something to stand on that porch in the bright sunlight cutting some pumpkins. It was fun and a completely new experience for me. Here in Germany, it feels different. Maybe it is because we celebrate a few months later carnival and that is for me the same as Halloween. But for the kids here, it can be quite fun. Though our doorbell is quiet and there is no "trick or treat" to hear. Maybe that is because I don´t decorate my door for Halloween. We did it while I was living in the US. But here, it just doesn´t feel the same to do it too. Is that weird? Not sure, but for all those, who celebrate Halloween, I hope you will have fun and get loads of candy.
Till next time & Happy Halloween
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