The last part of a well entertaining trilogy. And a wonderful end to the story of Elaine and Bale. Good, the cover is not really mine, but it is the story itself that counts, isn´t it?

Vortex Die Liebe Die Den Anfang Brachte*
by Anna Benning
Vortex Trilogy #3
Publisher Fischer KJB on May 26, 2021
Genre Fantasy
Pages 535
Format Hardcover
Source Fischer KJB

The first vortex was the beginning of our world. Now it could be our end. As the war rages and the armies of the Red Storm advance, I know who the real threat is. The boy I love. Bale. I have to save him – at all costs. I need to remind him who he is – and what he means to me. Because if I don´t. then he´ll put us all into the abyss … (personal translation by ©Vi at Inkvotary).
Elaine does everything to save Bale. Bale is controlled by Hawthorne and does whatever Hawthorne wants him to do. Even if that means to kill his own. But Elaine knows that not all want the war. That there is still a chance to avoid it and get people together anyway.

The story is very action-packed from the start, and it quickly becomes clear that there is a lot more at stake here than the end of volume two suggested. The reading speed is wonderfully quick, and the plot is varied. The author is faithful to her writing and language style and answers almost all open questions as the story progresses. Unfortunately, from about halfway through, the story began to weaken a bit, which in my opinion cost a smooth star. Still, the novel is entertaining and has a dash of drama.

Elaine has developed a lot. At some point in the course of the story, she realizes that things are turning out the way they should be. That neither she nor Bale can do anything about it. And so, she begins to accept things, relying entirely on her instinct and conscience.

With this protagonist, the author has created a fantastic figure who completely thrilled me in this last volume.

Well, of the initially five-star rating, only four remained in the end. But still, solid entertainment is provided. The author fully exploits the range of emotions for the reader as well as for the individual characters and the plot itself really goes into full force again. At least up to half of the novel. I was happy with the end, even if it turned out differently than expected.

Happy reading

*This book was, at the time this review was published, only available in the German language. The book was kindly provided to me by Fischer KJB in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. Thank you.

Deutsche Rezension

Von Beginn an ist die Geschichte sehr actionreich und es wird schnell klar, dass hier viel mehr auf dem Spiel steht, als es das Ende von Band zwei vermuten ließ. Das Lesetempo ist herrlich zügig und die Handlung abwechslungsreich. Die Autorin ist ihrem Schreib- und Sprachstil treu geblieben und beantwortet im weiteren Verlauf der Handlung so gut wie alle noch offenen Fragen. Leider fing die Geschichte ab etwa der Hälfte dann an etwas zu schwächeln, was sie in meinen Augen dann einen glatten Stern kostete. Dennoch ist der Roman unterhaltsam und mit einem Schuss Drama versehen.

Elaine hat sich gewaltig weiterentwickelt. Irgendwann im Handlungsverlauf begreift sie, dass die Dinge sich genauso entwickeln, wie es sein soll. Das weder sie noch Bale daran irgendetwas ändern können. Und so fängt sie an, die Dinge zu akzeptieren und sich ganz auf ihren Instinkt und ihr Gewissen zu verlassen.

Mit dieser Protagonistin ist der Autorin eine fantastische Figur gelungen, die mich in diesem letzten Band restlos begeistert hat.

Gut, von der anfänglich begeisternden fünf Sterne Bewertung sind am Ende nur noch vier übrig geblieben. Aber dennoch, für solide Unterhaltung ist gesorgt. Die Autorin schöpft die Gefühlspalette sowohl für den Leser als auch für die einzelnen Charaktere voll aus und der Plot selbst geht auch noch mal so richtig in die Vollen. Zumindest bis zur Romanhälfte. Mit dem Ende war ich zufrieden, auch wenn es anders kam als gedacht.

Anna Benning
Anna Benning ©Viktoria Van Evert / Luma Photography

Anna Benning was born in 1988, the youngest of three children. While studying literature, she wrote book reviews for a magazine and also worked in a bookshop. She has been a publisher's editor since 2013. One day she took heart and put her own stories on paper. "Vortex" is her debut.


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