When I saw that book at the library I thought that it could be something nice. Well, it turned out different. The cover is the most exciting when it comes to this book and though I am no fan of the color pink, it somehow fits. But the rest? One big disappointment.
Was Verbirgt Cara Winter?*
by Annika HarperCornwall College Trilogy #1
Publisher Carlsen on July 30, 2015
Genre Children 10+
Pages 268
Format Hardcover
Source Library
The boarding school “Cornwall College” in England. Here they are all, the children of the rich and famous: swanky princes and glitter girls, real stars and drama queens. And Cara Winter. She has just arrived from Germany. Almost you could overlook the inconspicuous girl. But Cara has a secret … (personally translated by © Vi at Inkvotary).
Cara is happy. She finally is on her way to Cornwall College, a place where she can be free and live a happy life. Good, she will have to learn a lot and homework is nothing you love, but hey, she is away from home and can do things her grandmother doesn´t allow.
No question, it is nice to read, a fast read and there are some really unique sentences and the author has an interesting language – well sometimes at least. But the story itself is a bit weird. I still don´t know what was the fuss about it. Why the hell is Cara so overprotected since early childhood or why she is such a naïve and uninformed? What were her tutors doing? Cash money for playing princess with her?! Annika Harper shows in this novel life at a boarding school – and that is kind of strange. A roommate which is a real bitch, classmates who are very different than anything I´ve ever seen and her main protagonist is out of this world. She wants to buy things, but doesn´t seem to understand that you need money or better said cash in your wallet to do so. Especially when you´re at an airport, sorry but I still have to shake my head over so much ignorance.
Well, if you´re looking for strange figures and how they see things, you’re here in the right place. Wanna know how a girl from Texas, a kid of a rich man who breeds long-horns likes to act? Watch Judy and you get the picture. Wanna know how a normal girl behaves among rich and spoiled boys and girls? Look at Hettie and you’re well informed and pleased. She and Pippa were - at least in my eyes - the only nice and adoring figures in this story.
What the heck was that? The best thing about this book is the cover design. The Rest? Weird, awkward, and – well I´ll leave it at that. No more words are necessary…
Happy reading
*This book was, at the time this review was published, only available in the German language.
Annika Harper
Annika Harper studied English in Hamburg and London and works as a translator and in a chocolate shop. She lives with her English husband, two children and three dogs in a cottage in Cornwall.
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