is a weekly event that was originally hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. This meme is a place that spotlights upcoming releases that we´re eagerly anticipating with pure joy. There are a lot of new books coming out each year and some of them catch my attention and will get a spotlight in my Waiting on Wednesday post. While some of them will finally end up here at my place, others won´t. I am joining Tressa at Wishful Endings and her meme Can´t-Wait Wednesday.

A few days ago, I bought the English edition but nonetheless I am looking forward to the publishing date of the German edition. Me and books *smile* And while writing this post I discovered that I own quite a few Jennifer L. Armentrout books but have read so far only those I borrowed from the library. Don´t ask me why that is. But the cover looks completely different and somehow caught my attention and the summary sounds so intriguing that I want it. And no, so far, I don´t know if I will end up reading the English edition, or the German edition. 

Cursed-Die Hoffnung Liegt Hinter Der Dunkelheit
Author Jennifer L. Armentrout
Original Title Cursed
Publishing Date October 5, 2020
Publisher ivi
Format Paperback

Dying sucks ...and high school senior Ember McWilliams knows firsthand. After a fatal car accident, her gifted little sister brought her back. Now anything Ember touches dies. And that, well, really blows. Ember operates on a no-touch policy with all living things - including boys. When Hayden Cromwell shows up, quoting Oscar Wilde and claiming her curse is a gift, she thinks he is a crazed cutie. But when he tells her he can help control it; she is more than interested. There is just one catch: Ember has to trust Hayden's adopted father, a man she's sure has sinister reasons for collecting children whose abilities even weird her out. However, she is willing to do anything to hold her sister's hand again. And hell, she would also like to be able to kiss Hayden. Who wouldn't? But when Ember learns the accident that turned her into a freak may not have been an accident at all, she's not sure who to trust. Someone wanted her dead, and the closer she gets to the truth, the closer she is to losing not only her heart but her life. For real this time.

And what are you waiting for? Let me know your thoughts about this one or leave me the link to your WoW and I check it out.

Happy reading & waiting on



  1. Love old school JLA but never did read this one. I hope you'll enjoy it though! :D

    1. Your comments always make me smile. Thank you for that and thank you for visiting my blog, Stephanie!

  2. How awful for Ember! I can't imagine living like that. And then not knowing who to trust? I haven't read JLA before but one of these days I will. I hope you love this one when you read it. Have a great week, Vi!

    1. Oh yes, the summary draws a picture you can hardly ignore, right? Thank you for your visit.


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